Rev. Bernard D’Sa
Administrator, Pastor
I am Fr. Bernard John D’sa. I was born and raised in the smallest state “Goa”- India. My state was the Portuguese colony until 1961. The Portuguese brought Christianity to Goa in the 16th century, so I am not a first generation catholic. Though the population of India is 1.3 billion and Christianity is just 2.8 percent. My family lives in India, i.e. my mother and my other two older siblings. My dad passed away in 1998. I was ordained a priest on 1st May 1994.
After completing my masters program in Education and Political Science, I was appointed as a high school teacher for a brief period. Then, I was given an assignment of a Principal. My apostolate has been basically been in school, for fifteen years at least. Later, I was invited in the USA to serve as a teacher in a Diocesan catholic school, which I did for a short period and then requested the Bishop to give me an opportunity to have some pastoral experience which I missed a lot for being in schools.
I was then appointed as an Administrator of Queen of Peace Church, Clearlake in Lake County. During these three years, the priesthood came alive to me as I unfolded myself pastorally. The\ Lord assisted me to touch the lives of the people with His love and compassion. Now I am here amidst you, called to serve and feel blessed. Trusting in the Divine Providence and in His Graces, I wish to undertake my apostolate as your shepherd. I request for your prayers and be assured of my humble prayers always. God bless you. Fr. Bernard. 707-800-2699. dsapeace@yahoo.com.

Rev. Sudhakar Mannam
Parochial Vicar
I was ordained a priest on February 27, 2008, for the Diocese of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. I was assigned as An Assistant Director in Guntur Diocese Social Service and Welfare Society for a year and Parochial Vicar to St. Agnes Parish in Guntur City. In 2010, I was promoted and appointed as pastor at Epiphany Parish, Chiluvuru and I served this parish for eight years. During that time, I had an opportunity to attended Acharya Nagarjuna University in Andhra Pradesh and I graduated with a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and Masters in Social Work (MSW).
After 10 years of active priestly ministry in the diocese, I got the golden opportunity to minister in the Diocese of Santa Rosa. I began my ministry in Diocese of Santa Rosa in March 2019. My first assignment was at St. Francis Solano Catholic Church, Sonoma. And now, I am pleased and honored to work at Sacred Heart and St. Bernard as Parochial Vicar with Fr. Bernard D’Sa as my mentor. In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music and walking. I look forward to connecting with you more in the near future to grow in Christ and to continue to engage in God’s mission in Eureka. Fr. Sudhakar. frmmsudhakar@gmail.com.

Rev. Michael Cloney
Retired, in Residence
The vocational call to the priesthood of Jesus Christ was a seed planted in my heart at a very early age of ten years. I would play “priest” at home with my two brothers and a sister. My vocation was fostered by my parents who took us to Mass every Sunday at St. Patrick’s Church, Loleta. Our family sheep ranch was on Table Bluff, and I learned to be a “sheepherder” because I drove the sheep into the barn with the help of Laddie, our Australian Collie. Little did I know that I would become a “shepherd” leading my flock of people.
I was born in Eureka and baptized at St. Bernard Church, Eureka. My parents are Leland F. and Florence Ann Cloney. The Irish priests were great friends of the family and they were an inspiration to me. I also met Father Paul Debiels, who took three of us students to an ordination ceremony in Sacramento. My eighth grade teacher, Sister Rosemary, had us write a story about becoming a certain kind of person with a good education. I wrote two stories to either become a pharmacist or a priest. Sister Rosemary said, “You better make up your mind soon.” I entered St. Pius X Seminary, Metropolitan-Rio Dell for three years and returned to St. Bernard High School to graduate in 1960. I entered Mt. Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon. The Mt. Angel Abbey monks were our teachers to help us complete eight years of philosophy and theology studies. I was ordained a priest, May 11, 1968, at St. Bernard Church, Eureka, CA by Bishop Leo T. Maher, the first bishop of the new Diocese of Santa Rosa (1962).
I retired in 2015 at the age of 73 years. I was an associate pastor; a high school chaplain and religion teacher; journalism and photography teacher; chaplain and builder of our summer camp program; and Pastor of five parishes and four elementary schools. I have served in the counties of Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte. My life’s attitude and value was to serve where I was called by the Bishop. I was free to enter into a new ministry with openness and adventure. My challenge was to serve the spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual needs of the people of all ages. I have been gifted by God to shepherd my people for fifty years. Blessings! Fr. Michael W. Cloney. 707-272-0640. michael.mcloney@gmail.com.

Deacon Dance Farrell
Director, Campus Ministry
What a glory to serve the Lord here on the North Coast! I am a native of the Sierra Foothills and was raised in Calaveras County, famous for it’s jumping frogs and its Gold Rush heritage. Growing up in a primarily agnostic home, I became deeply interested in religion and spirituality early in high school. After many years of searching, I entered the Catholic Church through the RCIA process in 2003 with my wife, Kim, and my two daughters, Aurora and Tenaya.
The Lord brings us home through varied paths indeed, and mine has been a curvy one! I have served the parishes of Eureka for many years, first as a youth minister for both Sacred Heart and St. Bernards Parishes, and in many volunteer roles over the years. I was ordained by Bishop Robert Vasa in 2016 after 6 years of formation. I am proud to now have the opportunity to serve our community as a deacon.
I currently work deeply with St. Bernard’s Academy on Henderson, and as the Director of Campus Ministry, I serve as a liaison between the parish and the school, as well as head their religion department. I also have the opportunity to teach every student that walks through their doors, one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me. How thankful I am for the Lord’s trust with the children he loves so deeply. I pray for you, the people of Eureka every day, and I hope you feel free to come up and say hi anytime you see me. Please keep me in your prayers as well! Deacon Dance Farrell. 707-442-2233 (voice only). dancefarrell@gmail.com.

Deacon Craig Brown
Director, Campus Ministry
I was born in Oroville, CA in 1953. As a child my family moved about California, finally
settling in Lodi, CA where I graduated high school. Immediately after that I enlisted in the
United States Coast Guard. During my four-year enlistment I served in the Republic of South
Vietnam and at the Search and Rescue Small Boat station at Humboldt Bay. I was baptized at 28
years of age, after realizing the errors of my ways. In 2000 A.D., after a five-year formation
program, I was professed into the Secular Franciscan Order, and was influential in beginning a
Secular Franciscan Fraternity in Humboldt County. In 2016 I was ordained a Deacon by and for
Bishop Robert Vasa.
I am currently a retired teacher after enjoying a 27-year career working with the youth at St.
Bernard’s Academy. I am the 2010 recipient of the Bishops Award for Outstanding Teaching. I am sustained and enriched by a deep love of the Eucharist; Contemplation and the spiritualities of St. Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton; of the Redwoods and the beach and my wife Rene
and our two children and six grandchildren. . .. and the good people of St. Bernard and Sacred Heart parishes.
I love meeting parishioners before and after Mass and am very much open to email messages at
cabrown-1053@sbcglobal.net. I am especially interested in offering spiritual council, guidance
and direction.
Angela, Office Manager, 442-6466
Illeen, Bookkeeper, Ext. 1102
Maria, Children Faith Formation, 442-6466
Fritz, Maintenance, 442-6466
Liz, RCIA, 707-599-6138
Mikelyn, Rebecca, Music, 442-1695